Marketing Campaigns Simplified

Marketing Campaigns Simplified

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the best things are simple. Down-home apple pie is often way better than those decadent desserts that look soooo good on the menu, but just are . . . . too much.

If you feel like your marketing campaign is just too much and is a disaster waiting to happen, then it probably is. The best thing you can do is to take a step back, take a deep breath, and simplify.

Developing a Plan

Sticking with KISS, your marketing plan doesn’t need to be a 100-page document. It’s about setting goals and making a to-do list that will get you there. You just need to keep in mind that the goal of marketing is to connect your business’ value to the right customer base.

Ivana Taylor likens it to planning a party. “You’re basically creating a plan for inviting more people you love to give you money and then tell other people why they should give you their money, too. Sounds like a party to me.” Check out a few of her easy, fill-in-the-blank examples of one-page marketing plans here.

There is no universal magic weapon of marketing that will give everyone that uses it 100% effectiveness. So to develop what approach will work best for your business, you need to take a look at your customer base and cater to its needs.

  1. What demographic(s) make up your customer base?
  2. Where do they hang out online?
  3. To whom do they listen when making decisions about similar choices to your product or service?
  4. Where do they live?
  5. How do they look for products and services in your niche?

These answers will determine which strategies will be viable choices for you, and which ones won’t.

Simple is Best For the Consumer

No, we’re not insinuating that your customers are empty-headed. Quite the opposite, in fact. They’re bombarded with tons of wordspicturesadswordsemailspictuesadswordsemails . . . . .

You get the picture. It’s a lot to take in, and consumers are often overloaded with too much. (There’s that phrase, again.) Their brains are full and their lives are busy and they just don’t have any time for any more dribble.

Using a simplified campaign will actually make you more memorable to your consumers. They’ll be able to digest the bite-sized bits that you’re putting out there, and retain them. Because it’s easy. They don’t have to work at it.

Again, easy, not idiotic. You’re not looking to insult your consumer’s intelligence, rather, you want to make their lives easier, more pleasant, and less congested. It seems to work for Apple. Steve Jobs was devoted to simplicity: “Let’s make it simple. Really simple.” Or if you prefer, Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS).

You’re not looking to insult your consumers’ intelligence, you’re looking to give them clear pictures that are easy and quick to view, digest, and remember.

Steps to Putting Your Marketing Campaign Together

When comparing some of the best marketing campaigns of all time; those that have left a long-lasting impact on our memories and impressions of brands, none of them were overly extravagant or complex. Simple works best. Think about Wendy’s 1984 “Where’s the Beef” campaign. That aired over three decades ago, and people still use that phrase to exemplify what’s missing in their lives.

So what are the steps for setting something like that in motion?

  1. Describe your campaign’s audience through demographics and psychographics.
  1. Figure out where your audience will see this content. Where do they frequent? What sort of interactions with media do they have?
  1. Determine how your brand and product will be positioned. No matter how boring your product looks, you can still tell your story in an interesting way.
  2. Set goals for the advertisement. Are you looking to gain brand awareness? Knock your competitors down as the famed Wendy’s schtick? Promote a new service? How many new customers are you looking to see as a result? How many recaptured?
  3. Identify the campaign’s channel(s) and format.
  4. Write the primary text copy, utilizing persuasive messaging. Be real. Don’t try to sell your company, product, or service as something it’s not. People recognize honesty and genuinely appreciate it.
  5. Include a natural call to action or a callback to your logo
  6. Finish adapting the design for your brand, ad channel, and format.

Ask Yourself Some Questions

As you are planning your campaign, ask yourself a few questions that will help you make some choices.

  • What challenges does your audience face?
  • What problems are you solving for your customers? What solution does your product or service provide?
  • How can you put the product in front of the audience without hitting them over the head with it? Can you explain the benefits in a relatable way so consumers are able to see themselves using it?
  • No matter what season you’re airing your campaign, does it still have longevity? Will the message still influence people no matter when or where they see it?

Marketing campaigns are a valuable and integral part of growing your business. Get started by just keeping things simple, and you’ll have the greatest success. If you’re still not sure where to start, Clock Tower Insight has the knowledge and ability to set things in motion!