
Increasing Site Traffic The Easy Way

First off, let’s be honest. There isn’t one single way to increase traffic on your website. There are a myriad of different ways to do this, and it all depends on your business goals and the quality of the traffic you’re seeking. Ideally, you’re looking to increase the traffic on your site that will lead to an increase of conversions. As Neil Patel states on his blog, “1000 untargeted visits is not the same as 100 targeted visits working to drive traffic that sells.” It isn’t just about increasing the traffic — it’s about getting the right kind of traffic.

It seems like there are a million ways of attacking this issue — so what really works? And which tactics will best suit your company’s needs? We’ve come up with some ideas and suggestions below. Much of this process is about trial and error, and using those results to determine what works best for you. Because the web is such a frontier, and is constantly growing and shifting, it can be more useful to adopt a more flexible attitude, rather than to follow a strict set of guidelines.

Common Tactics

Paid Advertising

There are three general ways to advertise on a site: paid search, display advertising, and social media advertising. If you have the cash to invest in at least one of these, go for it. Even small budgets can benefit from the exposure — it can only help increase your traffic. A blended approach is usually the most effective when it comes to organic versus paid traffic, and there are means to increase visitors and conversions on your site using both.

Killer Content

It’s a broken record line, but quality content is crucial. It has the power to attract loyal followers as well as drive away potential clients and customers forever. Keep your content fresh, applicable, and vary it so that folks don’t get bored. Follow long-form pieces with quizzes or a powerful infographic post to keep things interesting.

Headlines, headlines, headlines

The greatest content ever written won’t help you if your headline stinks. A few golden rules when writing these:

  • Use strong verbs and adjectives. “Amazing” and ‘Powerful’ are a couple examples of effective words that grab attention. Don’t skimp on the verbs though. While adjectives can be helpful to describe how someone did something, the doing is actually the most important thing. In an interview with MBA admissions at Harvard, a greater emphasis on verbs made for a more persuasive application.
  • Don’t overuse the phrase ‘How To’. Instead, use phrases like ‘A Guide for Beginners’, or ‘Best Methods for…’
  • Be specific. Vague headlines will turn readers away quickly.
  • Use figures. People are drawn to numbers in headlines in the same way they’re drawn to discount phrases when online shopping.
  • Include the incentive. It should be obvious to the reader what they will take away from the article. Being transparent is ultimately more effective than being overly clever (or punny).

Social Media

Thoughtful, well-strategized posts on social media can be one of the best ways to garner followers. If you’re more of an image-based business, make platforms like Pinterest and Instagram your main focus. If you like coming up with pithy statements about your brand or industry, go nuts on Twitter (but not too nuts). Lastly, don’t forget about the power of LinkedIn content. If you have something important and relevant to say about your business, do it there — you’re more likely to find people who are genuinely interested in your message.


Yes, SEO is extremely important. But only along with all the other things you’re doing. That said, link internally, but not to the exclusion of external links. Too many links altogether will make your post more difficult to read, so be thoughtful about where, how and what you’re linking to. Utilize Google Keyword Planner or simply its search engine to find long-tail keywords.

Industry Leader Interviews

People love to hear advice from experts. These can be a great way to boost your site traffic and page views. Better yet, film the interview or create a podcast. Incorporating different types of media is a surefire way to not only grab viewer’s attention, but help them retain the information you’re providing.

Add Input

Don’t be afraid to post comments on other sites; just make sure to be thoughtful, relevant and deliberate about it. You likely won’t see the fruits of this right away, but it’s a good long-term strategy to build a loyal following.

Be Responsive

If your site isn’t responsive, it’ll drive people away. Make sure that it’s easily accessible across devices first, then focus on the details.

Remember, none of these tactics will work without an air-tight strategy: customer experience, UX, content, social media — all of these categories need to be covered in your overarching business plan.